अनुवाद करें:
पिन कोड | 363410 |
नाम | Chokdi B.O-चोकड़ी |
जिला | सुरेंद्र-नगर |
राज्य | गुजरात |
स्थिति | Branch Office(Delivery)-शाखा-कार्यालय (वितरण) |
मुख्य कार्यालय | Surendranagar H.O |
उप कार्यालय | Chuda S.O |
स्थान | Limbdi Taluk of Surendra Nagar District |
टेलीफ़ोन नंबर | Not Available |
SPCC | Surendranaagr-363001 |
विभाग की जानकारी | Surendranagar Division Rajkot Region Gujarat Circle |
पता | Limbdi, Gujarat, India |
भारतीय पोस्टल कोड सिस्टम छह अंकों से मिलकर बनता है। पहले अंक राज्य का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, दूसरे दो अंक जिले का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं और तीसरा दो अंक पोस्ट ऑफिस का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। इस मामले में पहले दो अंक 36 राज्य गुजरात का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, दूसरे दो अंक 34 जिला सुरेंद्र-नगर का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, और अंत में। 10 डाकघर Chokdi B.O का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है इस प्रकार गुजरात , सुरेंद्र-नगर , चोकड़ी का पिन कोड 363410 है |
Limbdi is a city and a municipality in Surendranagar district in the Indian state of Gujarat.
The area formed a part of the 9-gun salute state during the British Raj, when it was governed by members of a Jhala dynasty.
During the Satyagraha, the people of Limbdi formed a "Praja Mandal" on 24 December 1938, which caused friction between the king and the people of Limbdi. In 1939, a conference was held by "Praja Mandal", which the king did not like and he created a huge uproar at the conference. Many people were wounded during this incident. Many people felt disheartened and started migrating from Limbdi to other cities.
In 1940, after death of Sir Dolatsingh, Sir Digvijay became the ruler. He could rule for only four months, as he died shortly after his coronation. The last ruler of Limbdi was his son, Sir Chhatrapalsingh, from 1941 to 1948
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